This website collects Usage Data.
Usage Data refers to data collected automatically, either generated by the use of the Service or from the Service infrastructure itself (for example, the duration of a page visit).
Usage Data may include information such as Your Device's Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser version, the pages of our Service that You visit, the time and date of Your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.
When You access the Service by or through a mobile device, We may collect certain information automatically, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device You use, Your mobile device unique ID, the IP address of Your mobile device, Your mobile operating system, the type of mobile Internet browser You use, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.
We may also collect information that Your browser sends whenever You visit our Service or when You access the Service by or through a mobile device.
Additionally, this website uses Google Analytics.
Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google uses the data collected to track and monitor use of this website. This data may be shared with other Google services. Google may use the collected data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.
You can opt-out of having your activity on this website made available to Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on, which can be downloaded from the Chrome web store at: Chrome Web Store. The add-on prevents the Google Analytics JavaScript from sharing visitor activity information with Google Analytics.
For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy Policy page: Privacy Policy - Privacy & Terms - Google