Guide written by gamersquirt for ecchiGamer.
This guide provides dungeon maps, monster girl details, and information about game mechanics to help players complete the game, recruit all monster girls, and find each girls' respective costumes. Some spoilers will be unavoidable but care will be taken to minimize the amount of plot details presented in this walkthrough.
We'd like to acknowledge the following people:
- Grayfox2510 at GameFaqs for posting an incomplete guide on this game. This was our inspiration to write this guide. The content at ecchiGamer was written from scratch, but we'd like to make sure we acknowledge Grayfox2510 for their contributions to Moero Crystal H. Some inspiration for table formatting in particular was taken from their guide.
- umbraghost at GameFaqs for posting their 48 Erotic Methods List. This guide was referenced when we had trouble identifying the purpose of the Secret 48 Erotic Methods.