Omega Labyrinth Life Strategy Guide:
Dungeon 4 - Looking for Flower Seeds

Dungeon Information

Clear Condition: Clear Floor B6

Dungeon Rule: No Unappraised Items


  • Dungeon Cleared
  • Clear Carrying 1 Pieces of Magician's Rod
  • Clear Carrying 1 Pieces of Fairy Shield
  • Slay 20 Enemies
  • Cannot Use Food
  • Slay 3 or more at once

Gold "Mission Clear" Reward: 2,000ωP


This dungeon will always provide the following items:

  • Wooden Arrow
  • Omega Purse
  • Amazonian Panties
  • Amazonian Bra
  • Magnet Tome (Rinka's Shop)
  • Battle Shield (Rinka's Shop)
  • Mic
  • Omega Slash Tome
  • Physical ATK Up
  • Cream Bread
  • Seeds
  • Fire Tome
  • Really Hard Stone
  • Potion

You'll receive another tutorial notifying you about using Skills. Every character has access to a skill called Full Bust which will double your stats temporarily but comes with the penalty that you'll earn no ωP from defeating enemies while the skill is active. This skill is not particularly useful, but it may save you once or twice in the early game.

More importantly though, you can now access each girl's unique skills learned through Skill Blooms. Initially, each girl has no skills available, but performing Skill Blooms back at the Academy unlocks powerful abilities for each girl.

The Skill Bloom you performed previously unlocked an ability for Hinata called Blossom Flare. This skill damages all enemies in the immediate eight squares surrounding her. You only have one use of it initially, but leveling up the Skill Bloom that unlocked that skill (in this case, "Hinata, Sunbathing") will level the skill up and allow for more uses.

You regain one use of each of your skills every time your bust increases. Keep this in mind and you can strategize how to get the most from your skills, especially early game before your skills have been leveled up much.

Floors B1, B2, and B4 are procedurally-generated.

Floors B3, B5, and B6 are always the same.

Floor B3 introduces Mimickis. These monsters pretend to be an item and change form to ambush you when you approach them. The minimap will always identify which items are Mimickis though, so pay attention to which items appear as red dots. 

You'll also encounter a shop on this floor.

Shops are pretty simple:

  • You can see what Rinka is selling by standing on the items (you won't pick them up automtically).
  • You can sell anything in your inventory by placing it on the ground in the shop.
  • If you pick up any of the items being sold, you can pay for them either by talking to Rinka or by exiting the room and agreeing to pay.
  • If you try to steal items, Rinka will become hostile and try to kill you. She takes two actions each turn and is extremely powerful. She'll also be accompanied by extremely powerful Bandit Biter monsters. You'll lose if you try to fight her.
  • When you are buying and selling items at the same time, Rinka will first pay you for what you sold before she asks you to pay her.

You can still be attacked by wandering enemies in these dungeon shops, so make sure to pay attention.

From now on, the procedurally-generated floors may now include shop rooms. 

Buy a Magnet Tome if you can afford one. 

In the next room, you'll see three items on an island you can't reach. The items on the island are a Hot Dog Bun, Mic, and Omega Slash Tome. If you have a Magnet Tome, you can read it and the items on the island will be pulled towards you where they can be picked up.

Floor B5 has a room with a flower garden. Flower garden rooms contain seeds that can be planted in the academy garden. You'll also sometimes find a special item called a TFT Petal in later flower garden rooms (TFT Petals will be explained later). There are never any traps in flower garden rooms, although some may contain enemies.

From now on, the procedurally-generated floors may now include flower garden rooms or, sometimes, an entire flower garden floor. A flower garden floor is the same as a flower garden room, but it takes up the entire floor of a dungeon. Flower garden rooms might have enemies, but flower garden floors never will.

You'll encounter a Spa in the last room. Use it before proceeding. 

Floor B6 is a boss fight:

OLL - Dungeon 4 Boss

The boss fight for this dungeon is 3x Polly enemies.

You'll find a Really Hard Stone and Potion on the ground.

Polly monsters copy your moves. If you move, they move. If you attack, they attack. These enemies are not very strong. You can just maneuver around and kill them with Really Hard Stones, melee attacks, or Hinata's skills. If you picked up the Omega Slash Tome, you can read that to instantly kill them.

After the enemies are killed, step in the sunlight to exit the dungeon.

Since this level has floors that are always the same, you can revisit it to farm Omega Slash Tomes. You may find it helpful to have a few of these.

After the Dungeon

You'll restore another part of the flower garden. 

You gain nectar every day based on how many flowers you've planted. Every time you restore another piece of the garden, make sure to plant flowers in it. This will ensure you get the maximum daily nectar bonus.

You'll also want to keep an eye on your garden because after you've planted flowers, weeds will begin growing in the garden every few days. You can get rid of weeds by standing on them and pressing the action button or by re-planting flowers in that plot. Weeds will eventually decrease the amount of nectar you're given each day, so make sure to take care of them when they pop up.

Flora will remain at the center of the flower garden from now on and she'll periodically offer a minigame that rewards nectar. Always pay attention to her and make sure to speak with her if she has the speech balloon with the bug icon. The minigame is simple and just involves flicking bugs off of her. If you choose to skip the minigame, you'll still get the reward.

You'll also notice a sparkling item on the ground in front of Flora. This item is always a random amount of nectar and will reappear every day and every time you exit a dungeon. This can be an easy way to accumulate nectar, so always pick it up from this spot every time you exit a dungeon or start a new day.

Additionally, you can get a random amount of ωP from the lake on the south side of the Academy. Just like the nectar by Flora, this spot will automatically refresh every day or every time you exit a dungeon.

Speak with everyone in the Academy who has an exclamation mark over their head.

Yuyu will offer a tutorial mission to change the Academy curios.

You'll also start encountering random students in the Academy who offer simple random fetch quests. They'll ask for certain items and reward you with other items in return. These are an easy way to get rewards.

You should begin visiting the Academy Shop at the Academy after every dungeon. The shop submenu under the hammer icon sells useful upgrades. 

  • Skill Blooms can be purchased from the shop for each girl. Purchasing these is how they become available to upgrade with nectar. Each girl has four Skill Blooms to purchase. Some Skill Blooms won't be available until later in the game. Buy these as soon as they become available.
  • You can purchase upgrades to increase your locker capacity.
  • You can also purchase Spa upgrades. Once you've purchased at least one Spa upgrade, you'll be able to spend ωP before entering a dungeon to start with a random Apa bonus effect.
  • You can get "ωP Capacity" ugprades that allow you to bring ωP into dungeons with you. The benefit of this is you can perform Size Ups earlier in dungeons if you find unidentified items. You can also purchase more expensive items from dungeon shops.

You should prioritize buying Hinata's Lv2 Skill Bloom and spending nectar to level it up at least once. Doing so unlocks her Botanical Blaze skill. This is an extremely powerful skill and can carry you through much of the first half of the game's challenging fights.

You'll also be given access to the Sage's Trials dungeons. Sage's Trials dungeons are optional and can be completed at any time, but you may find them more useful to do earlier in the game. You can even do them now if you want. They don't require any special gear to complete and can teach you about some of the more interesting mechanics in the game.

Enemy List

Mothy MothOLL - Monsters - 01 Mothy MothNatureNo special resistance or weakness1
TortoOLL - Monsters - 76 TortoReptileActs every 2 turns; LGTN weakness1
HappyOLL - Monsters - 28 HappyCritterBoth PHYS and MAG damage reduced1
HissOLL - Monsters - 40 HissNatureNo special resistance or weakness1
MimickiOLL - Monsters - 55 MimickiCritterNo special resistance or weakness1
Rockin' RubbleOLL - Monsters - 10 Rockin' RubblePuppetWeak against ICE1
3x Polly
OLL - Monsters - 166 PollyNatureNo special resistance or weakness

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