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Clear Condition: Clear Floor 1
Dungeon Rule: No Items / No Partners / No Level Up
When you first enter this dungeon, there's three ranged items on the floor and five potions:
You'll also see three enemies near your starting position.
From left to right, these enemies are:
Start by picking up the three ranged items and the five potions. Be careful not to get too close to the enemies; you don't want them waking up.
Stand exactly two squares south of Magma. This will be the square directly to the left of where the Magic ATK Up was.
Drink all four Risky Potions, then drink the Magic ATK Up. You want to drink the Magic ATK Up last because it only provides a benefit for five turns.
Without moving from the square you're standing on, shoot Magma with the Subzero Arrow.
Remain in the same square and shoot Chaparall with the Inferno Arrow.
Move exactly one square to the right and shoot Zragau Bronze with the Thunderclap Arrow.
Now that these three enemies are dead, move three squares up and pick up Wand of Exchange. There's a sleeping Sludge Gob next to the exit.
Swing the Wand of Exchange at the Sludge Gob and you'll switch places with it.
Move one square left and exit the stage.
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