Clear Condition: Clear Floor 1
Dungeon Rule: No Items / No Partners / No Level Up
- Dungeon Cleared
- Available Action Skill
- Clear Carrying 1 Pieces of Flamelord's Tome
- 600ωP
- Cream Bread
- W. Forging Tome
This stage is about staying out of throwing range of the Poorillas and picking up what they throw at you.
Follow the steps below carefully:
- Move up four squares.
- Move up-left one square.
- Move up-right one square.
- Move up-left one square.
- If the Poorilla on the right doesn't throw a Magic Wand at you, then carefully repeat moving down-right one square and up-left one square until it does.
Pick up the Magic Wand thrown by the Poorilla.
After picking up the Magic Wand:
- Move up-right one square.
- If the Poorilla on the left doesn't throw a Magic Wand at you, then carefully repeat moving down-left one square and up-right one square until it does.
Pick up the Magic Wand thrown by the Poorilla.
After picking up the Magic Wand:
- Move down one square.
- Move down-right one square.
- Move down one square.
- If the Poorilla on the left doesn't throw a Flamelord's Tome, then carefully repeat moving up one square and down one square until it does
Do NOT pick up the Flamelord's Tome.
Ignoring the Flamelord's Tome for now:
- Move left two squares.
- If the Poorilla on the right doesn't throw an Omega Slash Tome at you, then carefully move right and left until it does.
Do NOT pick either item off the floor.
Ignoring both items for now:
- Move right two squares.
- Move up one square.
- If the Poorilla on the left doesn't throw Omega Slash Tome at you, then carefully move down one square and up one square until it does.
Do NOT pick any of these items off the floor yet.
Continuing to ignore all the items:
- Move down-left one square.
- Move up-left one square.
- If the Poorilla on the right doesn't throw an Invincible Potion, then move down one square and up one square until it does.
Pick up all four items on the floor now. Be aware the Poorillas may also throw Lotion or Fairy Misfortune at you. Neither of these are of any concern.
Move up until you can see the three Fractor enemies up top. This is important. They must be fully on screen, and not just partially on screen.
Read two Omega Slash Tomes to defeat all the enemies.
Move all the way up and exit the stage.