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Clear Condition: Clear Floor 1
Dungeon Rule: No Items / No Partners / No Level Up
There are two items on the floor next to you when you start:
Pick up both items.
Move to the square left of the sleeping Sludge Gob.
Throw the Blasting Wand at Sludge Gob to knock it on to the small island.
Move around until you are aligned with Sludge Gob.
Swing the Wand of Exchange at it. This will cause you to switch places with Sludge Gob and put you on the small island.
On this island are two more items:
Pick up both items.
Once again, move around until you're aligned with Sludge Gob.
Swing the Wand of Exchange at it, switching places again.
Move around until you're aligned with Sludge Gob again and make sure you're no more than three squares away from it.
Swing the Slowing Wand at Sludge Gob.
Now throw the Puff Wand at Sludge Gob. This will knock it back to the other side of the screen.
Pay attention to the minimap and move in whichever direction the Sludge Gob did to stay aligned with it.
Swing the Wand of Exchange at Sludge Gob to switch places with it.
Move up to the exit and leave the dungeon.
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