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Clear Condition: Clear Floor 1
Dungeon Rule: No Items / No Partners / No Level Up
This dungeon is a race against the Stormy chasing after you.
There are three items on the floor in this dungeon:
There's also an Explosive Trap further down the hallway.
Move right four squares, grabbing the Trap Finder and Puff Wand(1) in the process.
Swing the Puff Wand at Stormy. This will knock it back to the end of the hallway.
Move right six more squares.
Throw the Puff Wand at Stormy. This will knock it back down the hallway again.
Move three squares to the right and pick up the Haste Potion.
Drink the Haste Potion.
Read the Trap Finder.
Move right 9 squares. You'll end up on the Explosive Trap and the Stormy should be one square behind you. The Explosive Trap will take you down to 1 health and it will kill the Stormy.
Move three squares to the right, then one square up-right, and exit the dungeon.
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